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01 August 2013

Summer Smash.

It seems that some time has gone by again. It's August, another summer has flown by to quickly. Wasn't it about this time last year that I was saying the very same thing? 

Buut, this summer I have an excuse. I seem to be full of those, too.. (see below post). No, it wasn't because I was hiking the Fjords of Norway, or deep sea diving off Australia. Last December I was fortunate enough to enter the "Big Girl World". Cue dramatic music. With this job comes long days, not enough sleep, and the stress of working for someone I don't always agree with. Thus, leading to not a lot of time for anything else but work and sleep.

I'm working in technical design, which if any of you are familiar with the design world, is an entire different animal that creative design. Basically, I make the "pretty pieces" real. I tell people how to make stuff and what to make it with. It's not an ideal job, but it'll do for now.

Onto the good stuff. We're in the dog days of summer here in Minnesota, which makes for great dressing. Being in the city, I can't help but shop... occasionally. Psh

One thing I can't get enough off is my AE Denim Vest It literally goes with everything in my closet: maxi skirts, dark jeans, dresses... you name it. Which of course is great for me, because I'm incredibly low maintenance when it comes to getting dressed in the morning. but if I didn't have to get up so early in the morning, here's what I would do... 


Demonstrate Your Denim Jacket Style