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29 July 2015

Where Are You Now?

Hi everyone!
It's hard to believe that I haven't written since January. It will be August next week. Seriously, where does the time even go? Summers always go fast, but it seems that the older I get, the faster they go.
But to my credit, I've been so incredibly busy. Which isn't always a bad thing, but it sure makes it hard to keep up with my blog. Since my last post, here's a brief summary of what I've been up to:
1. Finished Spring semester of school. I'm also proud to say that maintained all A's and B's! Being an older student is still strange for me: I've gotten a few "I didn't know you where still in school..." Yelp, this is my second undergrad people. Second undergrad. So while all my friends are getting married and reproducing, I'm up studying for exams and barely making it to class on time.
2. Became full-time at my current retail job, averaging 25-35 hours per week. Retail is a strange, strange world. A world especially hard to maneuver when it's summer and 75 degrees and sunny. But I love the opportunities I've had so far and I love my coworkers. Work is the easy part.
3. Landed a freelance technical design gig! This has been the fun "side job" for the majority of the year. Have you ever tried to study for an Anatomy & Physiology midterm practicum and design some bangin' outdoor folding chairs, all in the same week?! That was an interesting week. I recently finished up a larger lunch-bag collection, which took up a lot of extra free-time.
4. Finished up a series of summer classes. I figure I might as well take as many as I can now during the summer, when I don't have anything else going on.
Insert sarcasm meter here.
5. Started an internship position with my local YMCA. This has also been my fun "side job" as of late. I spend about 10-12 hours there per week, helping out with employee wellness and various Y events and promotions. I've gotten to help organize a lot of fun events and it's been great to work within my small community!
6. Oh, and did I mention that I have a second internship lined up for the Fall?! And did I mention that it was in Phoenix?! This one is really exciting, as it is with a great company called MediFit. They're a corporate fitness management company, with a satellite office in Phoenix. I am so incredibly excited-not to mention nervous! As of right now, I don't know when I'm starting, how I'm going to get there, or where I'm going to live. I won't be doing it alone, but the fear of the unknown is definitely creeping up on me. I am excited to escape the cold Wisconsin winter however and I'm looking forward to exploring more of one of my favorite cities!
Whew! Soooo do you forgive me?!  Besides all of that, relaxing has also been a top priority. I've been able to take some weekends to travel to Northern Minnesota, as well as several golf tournaments. I'm officially a golf course groupie! I'll be taking more classes in the fall, with one that I'm especially excited about: "Grantsmanship for Non-Profits." Grant writing has recently been something that I've wanted to get involved in, especially in working at the Y.
I'm hoping to post more about my desert adventures, especially when I start at Medifit.
Stay tuned!

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