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04 August 2012


yay for pinterest projects! yay for my first blog tutorial! yay for the Olympics!

maybe i'm feeling inspired because of all the excitement with the Olympics going on, but i just wanted to create. of course i'm an avid sewer, but there is just something about CRAFT PROJECTS that i love. thank-you to my obsessiveness of pinterest, i actually decided to make something that i pinned. and this something actually turned out! so many of my projects are epic fails... especially recipes. but alas, here is my tutorial for "lyric wall art":

a picture/print (i found my print of Marilyn at a local Goodwill for $3)
acrylic paint/spray paint (available at any craft store)
sponge paint brushes (also available at any craft store)
vinyl letters (the ones i used are available here )

1. gather supplies; i used a quote from "A Midsummer's Night Dream". you can use any quote, lyric, verse, etc, just make sure you are able to fit it on the print

2.  plan out your quote. i "graphed and mapped" the letters to make sure that they were centered and were able to fit on my print

3. place letters in desired layout. the letters i used were repositionable, so i was able to get them exactly how i wanted to look on the print 

4. paint over the entire print. one coat of paint should be enough. let dry completely.

5. remove letters. i'm saving mine for another project! don't worry if the paint bleeds a little bit under the letters-you won't be able to see it when it's framed 

6. find a frame- hang it up. be fierce!