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30 December 2013

Three Cheers to the New Year!

Happy Monday everyone! 

I don't usually get to excited about turning the calendar, but I have never been more excited to welcome in a new year.  This year turned out to be nothing that I expected: from quitting my job, 'meeting' the man of my dreams, and starting an Etsy store (well on it's way for a February 2014 launch)!
This year I really wanted to set goals. Why not resolutions? To be honest, I'm not sure that I believe in "resolutions". To me, "resolution" lends itself to something that someone needs to change. "Goal' sounds much more attainable! It makes me want to work toward meeting my goals, instead of trying to change myself with "resolutions". Goals are also something that can be continuously chased, which also makes me want to always be working towards them! 
Inspired by the original from Home Sweet First Home, I decided to compile my list of goals for 2014: 

What are some of your 2014 New Year's goals?!


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