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21 April 2014

When In Doubt, Get Rid of It | Spring Cleaning 101

 Happy Monday, everyone! Not only is today the beginning of a busy week, but it's also beginning to look alot like spring! Anyone who has been around these 'here parts the last few months knows exactly how welcoming it is to see the sun! 
There's something about Spring that always makes me want to de-cluter-classic "Spring Cleaning" mantra. My form of spring cleaning always involves my closet. I've found that after a long, cold winter, I especially want to get rid of clutter. Hey, all the more reason to buy cute spring clothes, right?! Weather it be the dress you bought for your cousin's wedding that just doesn't look right, or the pair of shoes that you suspect would look better on a drag queen, they aren't worth the valuable space in your closet. In a recent spring closet clean, I purged anything and everything that I just didn't need. Here are some of the tips I use to determine what stays and what goes: 

1. If you haven't worn it in at least six months, get rid of it.
This is probably my top decision maker in keeping or ridding. That chambray peasant top from 2 years ago that still has the tags attached? Nope, not wearing it. As much as I would like to believe "I'll wear that one day", odds are that I won't.
2. If it doesn't fit or looks like a homeless person's wardrobe, get rid of it.
I remember when I outgrew my favorite pair of Abercombie & Fitch jeans: they were the perfect fit, the perfect fade, and the perfect "get rid of" when the entire inseam ripped while I was bending over. Clothing with rips, holes, or stains are not worth keeping. 
3. ...but only if it's worth repairing or recycling. 
Thanks to the DIY movement, vintage and repurposed clothing is easy. Broken zippers or undone seams are easy to fix yourself-or by a tailor. This rule comes with a fair warning: do not mistake "I'll fix this" as an excuse to keep something

4. Divide and conquer into keep, sell, and give-away piles.
This rule is key. If you're having trouble discerning between keep, sell, and give-away, please refer to the above tips. Anything within the "sell" pile can be taken to Plato's Closet- they'll give you cash on the spot for items in good condition. I've scored some awesome deals there on designer brands like Billabong and Nike! Any clothes that Plato's doesn't take go right into the "give-away" bag. 

5. Be realistic.
I'm all about comfort. That adorable, but itchy wool sweater from a European boutique just isn't going to cut it. Add it to the "sell" pile. At the moment, I don't have anywhere to be where "dressing up" is required, so the expensive yoga pants I've been eyeing are probably worth my investment: I know I'll be wearing them alot. Do you really need more than one coral colored tees? Duplicates and clothing in similar colors or styles do not need to take up space in your closet. 

These tips usually work for me, but be prepared to struggle with spring cleaning, especially when it comes to your closet. I try to keep an open and realistic mind and I always set a goal. Happy de-cluttering!

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