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23 October 2014

Back in Black | Black Friday Shopping Tips

      Fall has officially arrived here in the countryside! I can't believe that I'll  be turninthe calendar to November next week. Call me basic, but I love me a warm fireplace, vanilla latte, and my Ugg boots. Also with the advent of November, comes the most hated  words of anyone who has ever worked in retail:
Black Friday. 
(Okay really there are many hated words, but this one ranks right up there!)
In all of my years of working retail, it never ceases to amaze me how many people feel it absolutely necessary to shop at 2AM on Black Friday. I value a warm bed over saving a couple of bucks any day! For me, Black Friday is simply an excuse to people watch. I'll buy a coffee, find a corner spot, and watch chaos ensue. I will unfortunately be working this year on Black Friday, so my shopping will have to wait. Sigh. 

So, I've put together a few tips on navigating the cray-cray that is Black Friday (please note- this list is compiled after YEEEEEEARRRRSSS of experience in working retail, and most of them are things I wish I could say, but ultimately don't on account of getting fired):  

1. BE PREPARED FOR CROWDS. And long lines.
"Be prepared to wait in line" also applies here. It's amazing how many times I've heard "I can't believe there are this many people out shopping" from customers. Uh, really? Black Friday is only the retail industry's biggest selling day of the year, it's advertised to the moon and back, and you're so surprised that there are crowds? Manners are appreciated. 

2. Do your research.
After the pie and before the tryptophan sets in, gather all of your sales flyers and promotional advertisements for Black Friday the day before. Get an idea of what exactly you're looking for. Many stores have early bird or opening only specials, so now would be a good time to plan which stores to hit first. Now would also be a good time to review your budget, or to set limits on how much you want to spend. 
3. Bring a buddy. 
Everything is better with a buddy. Weather this means tag-teaming in a big department store, or holding a place in line, a buddy is your Black Friday best friend. Plus, buddies are great for a post-shopping glass of white wine! 

4. Two words: Cyber Monday.

5. Buy gift cards.
Gift cards are the easiest, single most convenient way to shop-in store or online! They are also the single easiest way to give. Especially for people who are hard to shop for. Many stores even sell "e-gift cards": you can send them through email!

5. Manners matter.
This one goes hand in hand with tip # one. This means being nice to people around you. So what if someone accidentally steps in front of you in line? So what if a sales associate accidently forgets to put one of your items in a bag? Keep in mind that said associates probably had to miss Thanksgiving dessert so that they could be there to help you. It's been a long day already and mistakes happen.

Ultimately, Black Friday should be fun! It's about the experience and for some, it's about spending time with friends and family. If you know that you don't like crowds, hate traffic, or generally don't enjoy shopping, save the world some trouble and stay home. Online shopping offers that convenience: use it!

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