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01 January 2015

Cheers, to the New Year!

Well folks, it's hard to believe that another year has come and gone! It's strange to think about the amount of change that happens within a years time. Change is almost always inevitable and three hundred and sixty-five days invites a lot of opportunity for change! A lot of people use the New Year as a new beginning: to break bad habits or to try something new. I'm definitely all for setting goals and starting over, but I don't necessarily think that the New Year is the only opportunity to do so. 

This year was a transitional year for me. I'll admit, I changed a lot! Maybe it has to do with more maturity,  but a lot of what changed was a conscious decision. I spent a majority of the beginning of the year stressing out about a major job change that happened last year. It was a huge source of stress and anxiety. It took ending a toxic relationship and removing negative energies from my life for me to realize how important it is to have good people around, especially people that want the best for you. I also realized how important it is for me to do things that I enjoy. 

On a positive level, my Etsy store has been successful! Slowly but surely, I am building up my inventory and sending pieces around the world! I also got a job at a local department store and landed a seasonal promotion for the holiday season. I've meet some great people and learned an incredible amount of new things! 

Probably one of the biggest changes that happened this year was that I went back to school.  Health and fitness became a passion of mine, so I'm working towards a new career direction! At first it was an adjustment: going to class, doing homework, and studying for tests. It was also an adjustment in being an older, 'non-traditional' student. I've set new career goals and I am excited to see where it takes me! 

I also rekindled an amazing relationship.  A relationship that I hadn't realized was a part of what made me whole. He is amazing and he has again become one of the most important people in my life. We met in college and there's a lot of history. Over a year of experience and growth within our own individual lives, brought us back together.  I fly to Phoenix next week to spend some much needed vacation time with him!

And I am positive, that this is where I'm meant to be.

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