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03 May 2012

when on hiatus...

i'm back! i would like to apologize to all for being on hiatus for, wow.. nearly a week?! i have an excuse: i visited the great country of northern minnesota. my wonderful sweetheart of a boyfriend lives there, so if course i needed an excuse to escape to the wilderness.

upon return, i watched such a delightful movie, Cracks . doesn't get the greatest reviews but it gave me everything ever i wanted in a movie: set in the fantastic english countryside circa 1935, a twisted love story, and fantastic fashion. the movie centers around a group of private school girls, who together make up a swim team. their coach, Miss G-played by the lovely Eva Green -has some secrets of her own, made quite clear to the newest member of the team. not only was the plot quite intriguing, the costuming was equally as inthralling. check out some of these images from the movie:

i'm especially in love with the headscarves and easy breezy pieces. might have to try something of my own!

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