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29 July 2015

Where Are You Now?

Hi everyone!
It's hard to believe that I haven't written since January. It will be August next week. Seriously, where does the time even go? Summers always go fast, but it seems that the older I get, the faster they go.
But to my credit, I've been so incredibly busy. Which isn't always a bad thing, but it sure makes it hard to keep up with my blog. Since my last post, here's a brief summary of what I've been up to:
1. Finished Spring semester of school. I'm also proud to say that maintained all A's and B's! Being an older student is still strange for me: I've gotten a few "I didn't know you where still in school..." Yelp, this is my second undergrad people. Second undergrad. So while all my friends are getting married and reproducing, I'm up studying for exams and barely making it to class on time.
2. Became full-time at my current retail job, averaging 25-35 hours per week. Retail is a strange, strange world. A world especially hard to maneuver when it's summer and 75 degrees and sunny. But I love the opportunities I've had so far and I love my coworkers. Work is the easy part.
3. Landed a freelance technical design gig! This has been the fun "side job" for the majority of the year. Have you ever tried to study for an Anatomy & Physiology midterm practicum and design some bangin' outdoor folding chairs, all in the same week?! That was an interesting week. I recently finished up a larger lunch-bag collection, which took up a lot of extra free-time.
4. Finished up a series of summer classes. I figure I might as well take as many as I can now during the summer, when I don't have anything else going on.
Insert sarcasm meter here.
5. Started an internship position with my local YMCA. This has also been my fun "side job" as of late. I spend about 10-12 hours there per week, helping out with employee wellness and various Y events and promotions. I've gotten to help organize a lot of fun events and it's been great to work within my small community!
6. Oh, and did I mention that I have a second internship lined up for the Fall?! And did I mention that it was in Phoenix?! This one is really exciting, as it is with a great company called MediFit. They're a corporate fitness management company, with a satellite office in Phoenix. I am so incredibly excited-not to mention nervous! As of right now, I don't know when I'm starting, how I'm going to get there, or where I'm going to live. I won't be doing it alone, but the fear of the unknown is definitely creeping up on me. I am excited to escape the cold Wisconsin winter however and I'm looking forward to exploring more of one of my favorite cities!
Whew! Soooo do you forgive me?!  Besides all of that, relaxing has also been a top priority. I've been able to take some weekends to travel to Northern Minnesota, as well as several golf tournaments. I'm officially a golf course groupie! I'll be taking more classes in the fall, with one that I'm especially excited about: "Grantsmanship for Non-Profits." Grant writing has recently been something that I've wanted to get involved in, especially in working at the Y.
I'm hoping to post more about my desert adventures, especially when I start at Medifit.
Stay tuned!

14 January 2015

Valley of the Sun | RouteThree Studios Travels

Hi ya'll! 
It's hard to believe, but I'm officially on vacation.

I've been in Phoenix since earlier last week and I've gotten a chance to get out and shop, hike, eat, and play. This isn't my first time here in the Valley of the Sun and I'm always amazed by the amount of activity going on here! Phoenix is one of the biggest cities in the United States, so its obvious that the city would be bustling at all various times of the day and night. This weekend was a fun filled 2 days of hiking and history! After this weekend, I must let it out:  I'm a closet history buff.

Big surprise, right?

But really. History is amazing. Especially early US History.
Like, before Arizona even became a state, early US History.  Arizona is an overflowing crockpot of history. Before Phoenix was even settled, Native American's controlled nearly every square mile of the surrounding lands of New Mexico and Utah.  Various tribes of Apache, Navajo, and Cherokee Indian tribes lived and died here and out of these tribes came traditions and tales.

One of the most intriguing tales in Arizona history is that of the Superstition Mountains. The name is misleading because the name actually only applies to one mountain- not an entire range.  Superstition and our adventure to Lost Dutchman State Park took us Southeast of Phoenix, near Apache Junction. The legend- and ultimately the reason how the mountain got it's name, begins during a prosperous time in gold mining, around the 1840's. In the 1870's, a man named Jacob Waltz, the "Dutchman",  is said to have located a cache of gold that had been hidden there by a Mexican family nearly 3 decades before. After the Dutchman's death, the mine became that of legend- as no one was again able to find it. Many have literally died trying to find the mine and the legend has since attracted hundreds of treasure seekers, convinced that the Lost Dutchman mine is still to be discovered. The state park has a few different hiking trails and maybe because it's on the top of mind, but there truly is a mysterious aura that surrounds Superstition... maybe I'll take up treasure hunting!

Read more about the Superstition Mountains and the legend of the Lost Dutchman here. The story is fascinating!

Meanwhile, I've spent a lot of time just plain 'ole relaxing. I seriously can't even remember the last time that I've had more than a few days off ... in a row! It's been a consistent 60+ degrees and it's been nice to spend some time in the sun and I'm not complaining! 


01 January 2015

Cheers, to the New Year!

Well folks, it's hard to believe that another year has come and gone! It's strange to think about the amount of change that happens within a years time. Change is almost always inevitable and three hundred and sixty-five days invites a lot of opportunity for change! A lot of people use the New Year as a new beginning: to break bad habits or to try something new. I'm definitely all for setting goals and starting over, but I don't necessarily think that the New Year is the only opportunity to do so. 

This year was a transitional year for me. I'll admit, I changed a lot! Maybe it has to do with more maturity,  but a lot of what changed was a conscious decision. I spent a majority of the beginning of the year stressing out about a major job change that happened last year. It was a huge source of stress and anxiety. It took ending a toxic relationship and removing negative energies from my life for me to realize how important it is to have good people around, especially people that want the best for you. I also realized how important it is for me to do things that I enjoy. 

On a positive level, my Etsy store has been successful! Slowly but surely, I am building up my inventory and sending pieces around the world! I also got a job at a local department store and landed a seasonal promotion for the holiday season. I've meet some great people and learned an incredible amount of new things! 

Probably one of the biggest changes that happened this year was that I went back to school.  Health and fitness became a passion of mine, so I'm working towards a new career direction! At first it was an adjustment: going to class, doing homework, and studying for tests. It was also an adjustment in being an older, 'non-traditional' student. I've set new career goals and I am excited to see where it takes me! 

I also rekindled an amazing relationship.  A relationship that I hadn't realized was a part of what made me whole. He is amazing and he has again become one of the most important people in my life. We met in college and there's a lot of history. Over a year of experience and growth within our own individual lives, brought us back together.  I fly to Phoenix next week to spend some much needed vacation time with him!

And I am positive, that this is where I'm meant to be.

23 October 2014

Back in Black | Black Friday Shopping Tips

      Fall has officially arrived here in the countryside! I can't believe that I'll  be turninthe calendar to November next week. Call me basic, but I love me a warm fireplace, vanilla latte, and my Ugg boots. Also with the advent of November, comes the most hated  words of anyone who has ever worked in retail:
Black Friday. 
(Okay really there are many hated words, but this one ranks right up there!)
In all of my years of working retail, it never ceases to amaze me how many people feel it absolutely necessary to shop at 2AM on Black Friday. I value a warm bed over saving a couple of bucks any day! For me, Black Friday is simply an excuse to people watch. I'll buy a coffee, find a corner spot, and watch chaos ensue. I will unfortunately be working this year on Black Friday, so my shopping will have to wait. Sigh. 

So, I've put together a few tips on navigating the cray-cray that is Black Friday (please note- this list is compiled after YEEEEEEARRRRSSS of experience in working retail, and most of them are things I wish I could say, but ultimately don't on account of getting fired):  

1. BE PREPARED FOR CROWDS. And long lines.
"Be prepared to wait in line" also applies here. It's amazing how many times I've heard "I can't believe there are this many people out shopping" from customers. Uh, really? Black Friday is only the retail industry's biggest selling day of the year, it's advertised to the moon and back, and you're so surprised that there are crowds? Manners are appreciated. 

2. Do your research.
After the pie and before the tryptophan sets in, gather all of your sales flyers and promotional advertisements for Black Friday the day before. Get an idea of what exactly you're looking for. Many stores have early bird or opening only specials, so now would be a good time to plan which stores to hit first. Now would also be a good time to review your budget, or to set limits on how much you want to spend. 
3. Bring a buddy. 
Everything is better with a buddy. Weather this means tag-teaming in a big department store, or holding a place in line, a buddy is your Black Friday best friend. Plus, buddies are great for a post-shopping glass of white wine! 

4. Two words: Cyber Monday.

5. Buy gift cards.
Gift cards are the easiest, single most convenient way to shop-in store or online! They are also the single easiest way to give. Especially for people who are hard to shop for. Many stores even sell "e-gift cards": you can send them through email!

5. Manners matter.
This one goes hand in hand with tip # one. This means being nice to people around you. So what if someone accidentally steps in front of you in line? So what if a sales associate accidently forgets to put one of your items in a bag? Keep in mind that said associates probably had to miss Thanksgiving dessert so that they could be there to help you. It's been a long day already and mistakes happen.

Ultimately, Black Friday should be fun! It's about the experience and for some, it's about spending time with friends and family. If you know that you don't like crowds, hate traffic, or generally don't enjoy shopping, save the world some trouble and stay home. Online shopping offers that convenience: use it!

11 September 2014

While I Was Out: Etsy Shop & Social Media Update

I've been working on streamlining my social media accounts- and making RouteThree Studios more accessible! My Etsy store has been on vacation for the summer and I haven't yet quite re-opened it. I want to come back better than ever, so I'm still working on inventory and doing some shop re-design. Please be patient! I'm anticipating building RouteThree Studios through more social media outlets, but for now I'm sticking to the basics. Follow me and find out what inspires me through....
RouteThree Studios on Etsy:

RouteThree Studios on Pinterest:

Also linked on the sidebar > > > > > > > > > > 

08 September 2014

Keep It Clean

Well, my first few days of being a college student are done and under my belt. It sure isn't my first rodeo, so other than having to adjust to a different schedule, it hasn't been anything to exciting. If anyone hasn't kept up with my recent life change, I'm going back to school at my local university for a second undergraduate degree in Health, Wellness, and Fitness, with a concentration in Health Promotions.
It wasn't until a little over a year ago that I really got into the fitness world. Exercise became an addiction (a healthy kind!) and I got really into how to train my body. I love trying out to fitness 'trends' and finding new ways to challenge my body through exercise. This summer I even pulled up my shoelaces and began taking Crossfit classes! Crossfit has been on my bucket-list for a while now, and I was excited to get started at my local box! There's a lot of controversy about Crossfit and it definitely isn't for everyone. It's essentially Olympic powerlifting, mixed with high-intensity cardio to form WOD's ('workout of the day). Most boxes require a series of introductory classes before you're able to join the big leagues of regular Crossfit classes (more about my Crossfit experience in a later post!)
What I have found with my new exercise routine and the basis for today's post is the concept of "clean eating". Now, I am not the first person who should tell anyone what they should or shouldn't eat. Nor am I the first person to tell you that I only exclusively "eat clean", because I don't. I have cheat days and occasionally indulge in foods that aren't good for me. But I've found that intense exercise requires a change in what I eat. I feel better when I eat healthy, or when I start the day out with a healthy meal. Crossfitters are notoriously known for following a 'Paleo Diet' (lean meats, zero sugars, and lots of protein), but I for one, enjoy to many other healthy foods to follow it! I've found that just by substituting sugary foods with healthier ones, I perform better; both inside and outside the box.  Check out this article about the benefits of combining Crossfit with a healthy eating plan.
Pinterest is my favorite place to find new and healthy recipes. I haven't tried all of these yet, but they are on my list for some of the most delicious and nutritious, not to mention easy:
Oatmeal Breakfast Bars (gluten free and packed with protein!)
Quinoa Wraps (vegan and packed with protein!)
Chicken Burritos (super quick and easy!)
Snacks and Desserts:
Stay tuned for an Etsy shop update! Also, I'm streamlining my social media accounts, to make it easier for you to find RouteThree Studios!

18 August 2014

Papers, Teachers, Tests, Oh Roy!

If I could bottle up time and use it in extreme emergency's, I would. It's already August: seriously where has this summer gone?! Between days lounging in the sun and nights holed up in my sewing room, the last 3 months have been nothin' but quick.  I got a second, yes, second part-time job that I surprisingly have come to enjoy and have realized how much I enjoy NOT sitting behind a desk for 8 hours every day. The associate discount at my new job isn't the worst thing ever either and I've met some really great people! I've also discovered how much I love clothes. Not that I didn't know this before, but the love is now on a whole new level. 
Buuuuut my absolute, and most latest obsession is that of Rachel Roy She has some of the most ah-mazing pieces and I especially love her delicate gold jewelry. 

Guest Editor Rachel Roy’s Top Winter Hue: Oxblood
                                                Rachel Roy ruffle top / Open back top / Red jacket / Rachel Roy heels & pumps / Rachel Roy Watson

I've been able to score a few from her ready-to-wear Rachel Rachel Roy collection, as well as grab up some jewelry- on sale! I've got these stunners in my shopping cart as we speak! 

Sorry for the sidetrack, because as the title of today's post suggests: 
Some may be shocked, some may be confused. So everyone knows, I'm excited! This summer was one of major self-discovery: I removed the negative, focused on the positive, and really tried to do things that I enjoy. It's amazingly freeing to be able to spend free-time doing whatever it is you love. I'm pursuing a second Bachelor's degree in Health, Wellness, and Fitness, which will open up a whole new world of opportunities. I'm focusing on the corporate side of wellness and am also hoping to get a group exercise certification: then I can teach exercise classes! It's going to be strange being back on campus after taking a few years off and it's going to be a different experience than my first undergrad. At least I can use it as an excuse to go 'back-to-school shopping'! 



04 July 2014

Facials and Flight School.

I'm afraid to say I have broken my promise and I am afraid to say I'm sorry for the umpteenth time. Here it is, July 4th and I have yet to make any official "summer" posts. It always seems to be for me that the 4th of July marks the halfway point of summer. Summer's are supposed to be full of fun, but mine so far has been full of work and school. I enjoy being busy and I enjoy having money, so it generally all works out! 

However, I have had the last few days off and have been able to enjoy just a bit of sunshine. I started out with some pre-weekend pampering, courtesy of locally owned Denovo Medspa. I decided to treat myself to a microderm facial. An aesthetician uses a machine that is essentially a gentle version of a sandblaster to slough away dead skin. The results are amazing! Combine that with the amazing skincare line of Dermalogica, I've got amazing skin! I'm super excited to try some new products!

 Yesterday I followed the mighty Mississippi River on a day-trip to a quaint vineyard  Villa Bellezza, aptly nicknamed the "Mediterranean on the Mississippi"! 

Turns out, the Villa is one of several wineries along the Upper Mississippi River, between Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa, part of the Great River Road Wine Trail.  The trail is easily doable in a weekend, or long day trip.

Although I didn't do a full-on tour of the winery, I did get a chance to taste in the Villa's amazing tasting room. A flight is relatively inexpensive and you get to try 3 wines of your choice.  I'm more of a sweet white wine person, so I of course had to take home a bottle of Tavola 2011.  There are some great places for lunch nearby and the view of the river is certainly worth the drive. 
Stay tuned for Etsy shop updates! 

21 April 2014

When In Doubt, Get Rid of It | Spring Cleaning 101

 Happy Monday, everyone! Not only is today the beginning of a busy week, but it's also beginning to look alot like spring! Anyone who has been around these 'here parts the last few months knows exactly how welcoming it is to see the sun! 
There's something about Spring that always makes me want to de-cluter-classic "Spring Cleaning" mantra. My form of spring cleaning always involves my closet. I've found that after a long, cold winter, I especially want to get rid of clutter. Hey, all the more reason to buy cute spring clothes, right?! Weather it be the dress you bought for your cousin's wedding that just doesn't look right, or the pair of shoes that you suspect would look better on a drag queen, they aren't worth the valuable space in your closet. In a recent spring closet clean, I purged anything and everything that I just didn't need. Here are some of the tips I use to determine what stays and what goes: 

1. If you haven't worn it in at least six months, get rid of it.
This is probably my top decision maker in keeping or ridding. That chambray peasant top from 2 years ago that still has the tags attached? Nope, not wearing it. As much as I would like to believe "I'll wear that one day", odds are that I won't.
2. If it doesn't fit or looks like a homeless person's wardrobe, get rid of it.
I remember when I outgrew my favorite pair of Abercombie & Fitch jeans: they were the perfect fit, the perfect fade, and the perfect "get rid of" when the entire inseam ripped while I was bending over. Clothing with rips, holes, or stains are not worth keeping. 
3. ...but only if it's worth repairing or recycling. 
Thanks to the DIY movement, vintage and repurposed clothing is easy. Broken zippers or undone seams are easy to fix yourself-or by a tailor. This rule comes with a fair warning: do not mistake "I'll fix this" as an excuse to keep something

4. Divide and conquer into keep, sell, and give-away piles.
This rule is key. If you're having trouble discerning between keep, sell, and give-away, please refer to the above tips. Anything within the "sell" pile can be taken to Plato's Closet- they'll give you cash on the spot for items in good condition. I've scored some awesome deals there on designer brands like Billabong and Nike! Any clothes that Plato's doesn't take go right into the "give-away" bag. 

5. Be realistic.
I'm all about comfort. That adorable, but itchy wool sweater from a European boutique just isn't going to cut it. Add it to the "sell" pile. At the moment, I don't have anywhere to be where "dressing up" is required, so the expensive yoga pants I've been eyeing are probably worth my investment: I know I'll be wearing them alot. Do you really need more than one coral colored tees? Duplicates and clothing in similar colors or styles do not need to take up space in your closet. 

These tips usually work for me, but be prepared to struggle with spring cleaning, especially when it comes to your closet. I try to keep an open and realistic mind and I always set a goal. Happy de-cluttering!

22 March 2014

Emily Fields | Pretty Little Liars Obsession

But really, is anyone else out there as obsessed with Pretty Little Liars as I am?! Besides the CONSTANT intrigue and suspense, I only watch the show for the clothing. I mean, come on... who honestly dresses like that?! In high school, no doubt?! Call it my guilty pleasure, but if I could turn back the hands of time and come to school looking like that, I'd be a lot more inclined to the term "best dressed". 
In it's fourth season, PLL's stylist- or costume designer as she prefers, Mandi Line mixes inexpensive pieces from Forever 21 and H&M with designer brands like Rebecca Minkoff and YSL.  I certainly cannot afford to dress straight out of Vogue, so I really appreciate that Line mixes real fashion into each and every PPL look. 
Besides having the name in common, Emily Fields also shares my love of ombre hair. Emily is the perfect blend of sporty and edgy-my kinda woman, and fashion muse. She's the fearless one. Considering Emily's character is played by real-life model Shay Mitchell, she'd look good in a flour sack. I LOVE her endless collection of leather jackets and almost vintage graphic tees. Check out these sets inspired by the one and only, Emily: